
Ladysmith beach day

Thursday, June 3, 2010

well, today was a better day. I was really tired again today, but it turned out to be a sunny afternoon, so we tried to make the most of it. This morning, Brenn was off to school at the hospital, Christine had to go do some running around, so Samantha and I decided to take a train and boat ride over to the Lonsdale Quay. We had a really nice time together, just the two of us. We had some lunch, and she played in the ball pit for a while and had a chance just to be a kid for a while. I think that it really did her some good. She was very tired this afternoon, so, it must have done something for her. After we got home, we had a little down time in our room, before heading to the beach.

All three girls went walking down the beach to find some shells, and other beach paraphernalia, while I sat and guarded all the snacks that the girls ate when we got to the beach from the crows and seagulls. The girls had a great time, and I got to watch some sail boat racing while they were on the beach. Once they got back to the car, we ended up feeding the left over snacks to the seagulls anyway, so I guess I could have joined them on the beach, but what do you do? Sam fell asleep in the car again on the way back to the house, so, we ended up driving for a while again today. We drove out past the university, and in the sunshine, everything was very beautiful. It was very uplifting to see the sun today after 2 weeks of rain everyday!

I got a phone call from Vicky Kibble today, Brenns principle. She told me that they had a bottle drive, and a twoonie drive for Brenn, and that they were both very successful. I am really blown away at the generosity of people. Cedars Christian School has been not only a wonderful school for Brenn to attend, but also a huge support to us since Brenn became sick. It is wonderful to know that so many people have really come together to help Brenn out. She has only been attending Cedars for this year, as she is in kindergarten, and the amount of people that have been behind her from Cedars is mind blowing. We really would like to thank everyone who helped with the twoonie and bottle drives, you really don't know how much it means to us not only financially, but spiritually as well. We are really starting to understand how this is going to effect our family right now, we are almost through the first month, and, now it is setting in, that this is going to take a long time, and we might have to be separated through some of it. Finding out about Cedars raising this money for us today, and sitting and thinking how many people must have been involved in it to pull it off really helps us to stay focussed and helps us through some of the stress, and frustration. Thank you all so very much, we have been so blessed by you all. I am coming up to Prince George in a couple weeks and would love the opportunity to say thank you to as many people as possible in person.

Thanks also for all your prayers, they are all felt by us as Brenn is doing so well with her treatment. She is frustrated, but we see that God is really healing her little body. Her treatment is pretty tough on her, and it would be so hard if it wasn't for all the support that she gets she is an amazing little girl, and God does work miracles!


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