
Ladysmith beach day

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today was the first full day that Samantha and I were away from Brenn and Christine. It is tough being so far apart, and we are constantly in communication, as I really want to be kept up to date at all times, I think my wife thinks I am crazy, but I'll live with it. It really has been wonderful being home and seeing all of the people that I have seen so far. Everyone has been so helpful, and encouraging that at times, I really feel overwhelmed, but in a really great way.

We had a barbecue with all the families in our community tonight. It was really amazing! I noticed right away, that all of the people who live here were a lot closer than I can ever remember. Everyone was talking with everyone else, and it really felt great to be part of such an amazing group of people. When we first moved into Ospika Heights, we were told that this was a different community were people knew their neighbours and felt safe letting their kids run around outside. Tonight I really got to see what was meant by that. After we found out about Brenn, the families of Ospika Heights got together, and tried to come up with a way to support Brenn. They had a big garage/hot dog/bake sale, and raised $2500.00 for our family. Talk about a shocker! I was totally blown away! It is really hard to process how so many people care about Brenn and our family. I really am shocked at the total outpouring of support, I know that I have talked about this in the Blog many many times, but I just don't feel that I can properly convey how I feel about this. People are so good, it is hard to imagine that in day to day life we can ignore one another. I wish that everyone could feel the support that you all are giving us, because it really is life supporting to our family. Every prayer that we receive, every thought, phone call, and e-mail really does make a world of difference to us. I just don't know what to say. Thank you all very very much, and please know that you are all special, and loved by us.

Brenn had an okay day today from what I understand. She threw up this morning for the first time, and it really made both Christine and i upset. The things we are putting into her little body to make her better in the long run sure don't make it look like she is getting better in the short term. After she threw up though, the rest of the day was pretty good. She had some visitors this morning for a short while. Nicole, who had helped out so much at our house (even taking Jerry the cat into her house), and family stopped by for a visit. Brenn was not up for it this morning though, and was done with visiting after only about a half hour. They went out for lunch, and then went to the park with a photojournalist who will be following our family through our journey at RMH. They had a delicious sounding family dinner tonight, and they both went to bed early. As for Samantha and I, we had a really busy day visiting, and doing a lot of the things that I came up here to do, but I think we both feel a lot better today after spending one night in our own beds, looking forward to another sleep tonight.


PS, I have looked into actually doing a post, so here are the steps

1. click on the comments link at the bottom of each post
2. write a comment in the available space
3. underneath the comment area, there is a 'Comment As' area, click on the drop arrow, and select 'Anonymous' if you do not have any of the other accounts
4. click 'Post Comment'

please let me know if you are still having any trouble, and I will attempt to rectify any difficulties


  1. Hey Scott,
    Just wanted to let you know that Katrina thought it was great that you came to visit the Kindergarten class this week. I asker her if the kids had a lot of questions for you and she said "Tristan did". Glad to hear the progress of everything - your family continues to be in our prayers. The Strybos'

  2. I am so glad to try this out as I have tried to post a couple of times.

    I want to say how much I appreciate being able to read these posts daily. It is wonderful to hear how this has been helping your family journal your feelings and convey Brenn's recovery.

    Love to you all...I would really like to come out for an over night visit in the near future...I really want to give you all a hug. I will keep you posted as to when would be a good time.
    Heidi and the Keddie Clan
