
Ladysmith beach day

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today was a very enjoyable day. Samantha and I went to the airport this morning to pick up Ian (my boss) who came down to visit us for the day. Brenn was really pleased to see him. We played Disney Pixar Monopoly for an hour or so until Brenn got bored and we got sick of chasing Samantha around the house to retrieve the money she stole from the game. She really knows what to grab. My mom came in from her brothers house to watch the girls and Ian took Christine and I out for a really nice lunch. It was the first time since we came down to Vancouver that Christine and I were able to get away together for just a little while. It was really really great. After lunch, it was time to get back to the house to drop off Christine, pick up Samantha and head back to the airport to drop Ian off so that he could go back home. Thanks very much for coming. It was incredibly nice to have a familiar face around even for just a little while.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Brenn had a pretty even day today. She had been starting to loose her hair over the last couple days, and it seems to me to be a bit thinner than it was just yesterday morning. I have been running my hands through her hair for weeks dreading the day that my hand comes out with more than a hair or two. Today I looked at the back of her shirt and there was somewhere around 25-30 hairs loose on her back. I feel really bad for her, she has taken everything so well so far, and I am not sure how she is going to take loosing her hair. We have talked about it many times, and we have been showing her the hair that is coming off of her over the last few days, but i just don't know how this is going to go over once she sees that her hair is getting thinner. She has to go through so much treatment, and needles, and procedures, and doctors and nurses, and living away from home, and now she is going to loose her hair to. She is a trooper! We love her spirit, even when she is raging from her medicine.

I know that there are many people in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Denver that are preying for Brenn through this. i really want to say a heartfelt thank you. We have felt so very blessed, and I guess that sometimes, it takes going through something like this to really know how much the people around you care. We love each and everyone of you, and are just really blown away at how giving you all are. Thank you.



  1. Hi Christine and Scott,

    I can totally relate to the unbelievable appetite increase. I don't think anyone can quite fathom it until they see it in person. Sam was exactly like Brenn. He ate so much he got stomach ached like Brenn's because their stomachs have to stretch so much too quickly. He too craved salty, crunchy, starchy foods, especially potatoes. Sam began watching food shows, looking through magazines for recipes, googled recipes and asked everyone he met that day what they were having for their next meal. It's absolutely crazy! I too had to make him wait inbetween snacks and meals and he would sometimes count down the minutes. Our grocery bill for Sam's food the first month was ridiculous.

    Although Dr. Bond was not in favor of me getting a wheel chair for Sam when he was so tired and weak, I did and loved it. We went on walks, did little grocery shops, and did sight seeing with it. We both love being outside but his legs couldn't handle much walking. I always made him walk a bit first and then when he had enough he would sit. It made for a lot more outdoor time for us both. I had to always have lap blankets as he got cool easily, as you have mentioned with Brenn.

    Sounds like Brenn is responding quickly to the meds and that is fantastic! It's brutal for the kids and family to experience and see the horrible side effects of the drugs. They make them so sick, but it saves thier lives!

    I am praying for all of you as you journey through A.L.L. May God give you the strength, energy, patience, deep sleeps, laughter, comfort, and wisdom as you navigate these next few difficult months. You will go through many emotions, good and hard days, but God promises to be with you each minute of the day and night. You will get through this one day at a time with all the great family, friends, medical staff, and an amazing God who loves you all.

    Sweet dreams,
    Debbie Goertzen

  2. Tell Brenn that I think she is a beautiful girl, With or without her hair, Hair grows back but the beauty inside never goes away! Brenn, You are Beautiful!!!
