
Ladysmith beach day

Thursday, October 21, 2010

We have had a really great last couple of days. Brenns energy levels are still incredible even though her hemoglobin is really low. She is scheduled to get a transfusion of red blood cells tomorrow morning so that she will make it through the weekend without having to worry about much. Other than her general low red blood cell counts, things are still going pretty well through this part. We were really worried that this part of her treatment would be really hard, and while it hasn't been easy, things have gone quite well for her. So now we are all very hopeful that the remainder of her treatment goes as well as it has been going.

After treatment yesterday, we took the ferry across to Victoria so that we could see my Mom and Grandma. Grandma had a doctors appointment in Victoria, and since it was so close to Christines birthday, we all decided to take the opportunity to get together before we go back home to Prince George. It was an incredibly beautiful day here and in Victoria, and we were able to play on the beach, and soak up a little bit more sun before the rain really sets in here. My Mom and Grandma took us out for a really nice early dinner before we hit the ferry back to Vancouver. It was a really fantastic day, and we are all really glad that we were able to go kind of at the drop of a hat.

Today Brenn and I went to clinic while Christine and Samantha went to the pumpkin patch with some of the volunteers from RMH. Brenn and I had a good time coloring and waiting for her blood counts to arrive back from the lab, and from what I hear, the pumpkin patch was a lot of fun as well. I am really enjoying every day that I have with the kids right now. I know that when I get home, I will be working every day again, and the girls will be in school and pre-school, and Christine and I will not have the same amount of time with the kids as we have over the past 6 months. It is really odd to think that 6 months ago, I was working in Williams Lake, and I wouldn't see the girls for 10 straight days. I would really miss Christine, Brenn, and Samantha, but it was okay. Now I can't even imagine going to work for 8 hours, 5 days a week, and only seeing them for a few hours everyday. Getting back to normal life sure is going to feel abnormal!


1 comment:

  1. Katrina likes the new hairdo - looking forward to seeing Brenn in class when she gets back!

    The Strybos'
