
Ladysmith beach day

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's been a pretty good weekend all around. Brenn was given a new wig through an organization here that provides wigs to children with all kinds of cancer. I was hoping to post a picture of her with her new hair today, but we are still sequestered in the hotel, and we left the cord to transfer the pictures at RMH. We are really wanting to get back into RMH as soon as possible, but, I think that we still have one more night here at the hotel, so maybe back for Tuesday. All of us have a lot of pent-up energy living in the hotel, and we are all looking forward to having a little more room to roam when we get back into the house.

We feel as if we really have been enduring for a long time down here in Vancouver, and we are all really feeling ready to come home. We are looking at possibly the 12th of November as long as everything goes well. We still have many chances to be delayed, and this is the earliest possible day that we will be able to travel. Christine and the girls are planning on flying home, as it will be to much for Brenn to drive the whole way. She starts to complain after only an hour in the car right now. Her skin is very sensitive, and she says that her bum hurts. It is very exciting for us to be looking forward to coming home so soon, but at the same time, it will be very scary to leave the protection of all the medical staff here at BC Childrens. It has been a long road, and we are worried about what our new life is going to be, there has been a lot of changes in relation to our time here. There have been a lot of things that have become lower priority, and some things that have become far more important. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone who has supported us for so long as well, we have really felt blessed while living down here. It is amazing the support that has rallied around Brenn, and she has really shown her truly beautiful spirit. Not to get ahead of ourselves, we still have quite a bit of work to do over the next few weeks, but there suddenly seems to be light at the end of a very long tunnel.


1 comment:

  1. Brenn, Samantha, Christine, Scott;
    It was so wonderful to have you with us for the short visit Sunday. We share your dreams of the return home.It makes us melancholy to think our life will resume what it was prior to this very trying experience. You guys have done so well as a family ... stay the course, see it thru. Remember "Childrens" early prognosis, "We can do this" ... they seem to have done well so far, let them finish successfully.
    Uncle Allan
