
Ladysmith beach day

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Well, it has certainly been a while since my last post. I have been feeling really stressed out, and not able to deal with a lot of things over the past little while, but today, I feel okay, and really wanting to write (also hoping that it will help me move forward emotionally). Christine is at the hockey game in a luxury suite tonight that was donated to the house. She went with her cousin and was very excited on the way out the door. Brenn has had really low energy for the last 4-5 days now that all of the medicine that she has been taking for the last 20ish days is really starting to take effect. This of course was expected, however it is still really unnerving watching her go through this. It is really hard to take being her Dad, supposedly her protector in life, allowing this to happen to her. It is not a good feeling to willing let someone put medicine into her body that is going to make her feel as bad as she does right now. She says that she feels okay, but she is tired all the time, has a huge struggle keeping her emotions in check, and has tired and sore legs as a result of her treatment. She is really tired of taking medicine, and really wants to come home now. It is now daily that she mentions that she wants to come home. She knows that all of her friends are going to school, and learning all kinds of fun things, and playing on her favorite tire swing. I think that she just wants to get back to being a regular kid for a while. I know that we are all really looking forward to spending a nice quiet Christmas at HOME this year.

Other than Brenn being tired, things have been quite good around here for the past few days. There is really not much going on. I am still riding my bike, and running as I have the Victoria half marathon coming up pretty quickly. It took me a little over a week to fully recover from the last race I did in Manning Park. It was the most exhilarating and exhausting race that I have ever run, but I really would like to complete it again next year. Brenn went to school this morning with Christine at the hospital, and then we all pretty well puttered around the house for the rest of the day. The house was a pretty exiting place today as most of the families had at least one person going to the hockey game tonight. I think that there was only one family who had ever experienced a suite at a hockey game before, so everyone was really exited to go. The game started at 7 and people started leaving to go to Rogers Arena at 5. Brenn, Sam, and I ordered Chinese and had a nice quiet dinner with just the three of us. It was quite nice. I always enjoy our one on one time. It is such a treat to watch your children grow up and learn so much so quickly. God has truly blessed us with great children.

Tomorrow is another clinic day, so, we will be at the hospital around 10 am for another 4-5 hours sitting in the hospital getting more chemo. There is a higher chance tomorrow that Brenn will be receiving a transfusion. Her lethargy indicates that her red blood cells are lower than they have been for quite some time, and her ANC (part of her white blood cells) will be really low as well. Her ANC may be slightly higher than last week as they will be artificially elevated by the steroid that she has been taking this past week. She received her last dose of the steroid today though, and it is now expected that we will start seeing some really low numbers in her blood counts. From now on in, we will be expecting that we will be needing transfusions, getting delays and having possible hospital stays. Please continue praying that Brenn makes it through the next 6 weeks or so without to many delays and problems. Every day that we are delayed is a day longer that we have to stay here, and it really seems now that we have been here for years. Regular life is just a dream that we once had.


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