
Ladysmith beach day

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Well, it's been another couple of days since the last post, and it has been a pretty interesting couple of days at that. Sunday was our 100th day here, and tomorrow will be our 100th day since Brenns treatment started. So on Sunday, I wasn't really in the mood to write, I just wanted to be around the people here at the house, and talk about what was going on.

It has been frightening, exhilarating, amazing, sad, agonizing, and difficult 100 days! We are so blessed to have such great support around us, that we are able to stay together, and fight together through Brenns treatment. I could absolutely not imagine not being here all together. 3 and a 1/2 months ago, I was working in Williams Lake, and all the stress I had was just about getting the job done down there to the best of my ability, and worrying about having everything that we needed, and doing everything right. Having the stress of work, even though, at that time, it felt really hard, looking back, it is really nothing compared to the stress that we have been through watching Brenn be sick. It is a lot more difficult seeing your child with a problem, like that than just doing the best you can at your job, I love my job, which makes my life a lot easier to I suppose, but I wouldn't like to see anyone go through this without the amazing support that we have felt from everyone that we know, and everyone that we don't know. It really has been a blessing going through this in may ways, because we really understand the love that our community really has for us. It is a weird concept, but we feel blessed more than anything having gone through this, and everything going as well as it has. Brenn is such a special little girl to go through this with such a strong outlook. She has been incredibly scared through all of the unknowns throughout her treatment, but once she gets to know what is happening, she is able to stand up, and be strong, and do what she has to do to get through each and every step of the process. Samantha has really had a struggle through all of this as well. She has been uprooted from her home and friends, seen her sister get really sick, been taken away by numerous family members while Brenn goes off for more treatment, and been stuck into a house that is non-stop all day long every day. She has really held up well also. She is a very strong willed little girl, but she is also the cutest, and funniest little girl, and exactly what we all need for comedy relief everyday. Thank God that he has given us such precious children. We could never have dreamed of having anything more than this. We are the luckiest people that I know, just to have the time to spend with both of our girls, and really get to know them as they start to develop their personalities. Again, I know that this may sound a little weird, but it really does feel that way. Living in this situation, Brenns treatment is a huge part of our day to day lives, but, it is just part of our reality. The rest of our lives right now is dedicated to living together, and just trying to distract ourselves with activities, and time together.

Any way, the last couple of days have been pretty tough. I woke up on Monday morning a little before 5 am, and really felt sick to my stomach. I got up, went to the bathroom, and got sick, had a shower, trying to get myself to feel better, but it really didn't work. I called my Uncle Allan so that he could come and pick Brenn and I up, as we had to get out of the house in case I really did have the flu or something. He came and picked us up, and took us to his house. I called Christine, and asked her to come back to Vancouver, as she had been in Vernon recovering from a stomach bug. She of course hopped in the car, and came home right away. It was really scary for me though. I initially thought that I had the flu, and was really scared that Brenn was going to get it. I was so tired through, that I was really unable to make much of a plan for us. I slept most of the day, while Brenn played with Uncle Allan and Auntie Nancy. When I woke up around 3 o'clock I was feeling quite a bit better, and knew then that Brenn was going to be okay. I never recover from the flu that fast so I was certain that it had been something that I ate. Brenn is still doing fine, so I am sure at this point that there is nothing to worry about, but it is nice to have Samantha and Christine home again, even though it cut their trip a bit short.

Today, we had to go and see a doctor in order to get a note for the RMH in order for us to move back in. Christine and I were both checked out, and deemed to be in good health by one of the clinic doctors in Childrens. It was kind of funny to have Brenns doctor looking at Christine, and I, but I suppose they are some of the best doctors that we have around, so who better to go and see. We came home, and relaxed for the rest of the day, just happy to be together.


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