Brenn was not such an angry little girls today! We started off the day scrambling because we all slept in by 45 minutes. We got Brenns numbing cream on her right away, and quickly got dressed and shot out the door, grabbing a huge bag of snacks on the way. We ended up getting to Brenns appointment 3 minutes early, and breezing through the nurses and doctors in order to get her bone marrow aspiration, and core sample done right away. As soon as Brenn was able to talk coherently after her procedure, she wanted chips. I started her off with some juice, while Christine tried to coax her into eating some fruit first. We failed, and Brenn ate her chips. She sampled from three different bags, but really didn't eat any. While we were talking to the doctors, nurses, and nutritionists (hahaha trying to get kids on steroids to eat proper amounts of food, and consume less salt, you really can tell that they have never had a kid at home on steroids before) Brenn clutched a can of soup that she wanted us to make as soon as we got back to Ronald McDonald House. When we were leaving the hospital, she asked me to drive kind of slow, but get to Ronald McDonald house as quickly as possible so that we could make her soup.
When we came home, we received a call from one of our friends, Erin, who is selflessly helping us out by setting up a few fund raisers for us. Thank you very much, your generosity with your time and efforts really makes us feel blessed and loved. Brenn received a really nice Snow White costume/pajamas from my Dad and Marion as well today. She really likes it, but is not up to playing with it quite yet.
I picked up Samantha this afternoon, and we had a really nice lunch with my Mom before driving back out to the Ronald McDonald house to do chores and enjoy a nice dinner prepared by some ladies from Vancouver who came in to make the whole house dinner tonight. Overall, today was a much better day, we all really felt better, but are still having some difficulty coming to terms with this new life we are currently living. We really love all the support, and prayers that we are receiving from everyone in our lives, and we really look forward to seeing you all when we get home.
HI Scott. Amy Rowe, Betty Thedimen and i were hoping to have a lunch hour fundraiser next week to allow the social worky types to donate. We would like your families permission to use Christine and Brenn's name in the flyer. Let me know if that is ok.
Jennifer Scott (
Thanks ladies go ahead and use our names....thanks for thinking of us.
Hi Scott, Christine, Brenn & Sam keep up the good work with Brenn in the long run things will get better. Take care your family are in my thoughts. Michelle